Good day! This will be a series over then next couple of weeks on how to get the carpet that you want. There are many things to consider and by no means is this a priority list. Everyone home or business is unique. More importantly every individual is unique. While we may not have the answer for everyone – we respect your individuality and will try our hardest to find what you’re looking for.
1. Do you have experience?
The quest for the perfect carpet for your space starts with this very simple question: Have you purchased carpet before? If the answer is no, then you may want to skip this paragraph. If you have made this purchase before and had to live with your choice, the next question is: Were you happy with the carpet you purchased? If the answer was yes, what was it you like so much? If not, why not? This may seem elementary, but it is important for getting what you want this. Sometimes the answers to those questions are really easy; “the carpet hid all the dirt” or “we chose the wrong color.” Sometimes the answers are difficult “the carpet got ugly real fast” – which could be from many of the variables that come with select a textile. No matter what you do, don’t repeat the same mistake twice.
2. Begin with the end in mind.
If you have never purchased carpet before and even if you have, the next step is to begin with the end in mind. It has been our experience that when people start with one area of the home, that they often don’t stop with that space. The projects tend to evolve into a complete redecoration of the home. So when you’re planning on replacing bedroom or living carpet think about what rooms or areas of the home might be done next and if the decision you’re going to make in that space will impact the other space.
3. Go with what you like.
Many times homeowners will get caught up in thinking about the immediate savings of a ‘good deal’ (which we can agree – there are some really good deals out there), but you still have to live on your new carpet for years to come. If you chose something just because it was a good deal chances are its not going to live up to your expectations. We have seen poor quality Polyester carpets last as little as 3 months before they looked like they were 5 years old a when you buy ‘cheap’ carpet it typically doesn’t last that long. When you buy a quality piece of carpet it should last anywhere from 7 to 15+ years (many variables effect the longevity of a carpet), so you may as well get what you want and be happy with it. The bitterness of a poor quality lasts long after the sweetness of a low price is forgotten.
These elementary steps may not be the ground-breaking steps you were seeking to start your quest for carpet, but they will get your search off on the right foot. Over the next couple weeks we’ll break down how to choose a quality carpet. We will do our best to not make it technical and simplify the attributes that make up a quality carpet so you can make a solid choice and be happy for years to come.

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